Eucharistic Minister to the Sick and Homebound This ministry is a very important ministry. You will bring the Eucharist to those who are unable to leave their homes, are in a nursing home, or are in the hospital, and unable to come to Mass. For the sick, the Eucharistic Minister is the representative of the Body of Christ and often the only connection to the parish community.
Stewardship Committee This ministry is an important one. You will help to educate the parish on the different stewardship opportunities, the people who serve in these opportunities, and help encourage people to join the different ministries in the parish. This committee meets once a month preferably during the day to determine where the parish needs the most education. They write the Did You Know columns in the bulletins.
Provide-A-Ride There are many who are unable to attend Mass on weekends, or to other parish social events, due to the lack of public transportation or the ability to drive. You would be asked to provide transportation on a rotation basis, not necessarily as a regular routine.
Care of Altar Linens – see Linda Stricker Volunteer on a monthly basis to launder and iron the purificators that are used for Masses.
Coffee and Rolls on Sunday morning – see Linda Stricker Coffee and rolls will be served after the 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday. We need people to show up early for Mass, prepare the coffee, set up doughnuts, and clean up afterwards.
Funeral Luncheon Help – National Catholic Society of Foresters Provide food and service for luncheons after funerals. You will be contacted when you are needed. This ministry is not just for the Foresters, but for anyone who would like to help with it.
Knight’s of Columbus Bozeman Council #1413 – Chris Budeski, Grand Knight Have you noticed the men wearing the KC badges at various church functions? These are the men of the Knights of Columbus who are extensively involved in church, community, state, national, and international service activities. If you are interested in being of service to your church community and nation, how do you get involved? Join the Bozeman Council 1413 Knights of Columbus.
Habitat for Humanity A nondenominational Christian organization in the Gallatin Valley which builds homes with people in need of adequate, affordable housing. Habitat relies on individuals, churches, and organizations for contributions of money, labor, and materials, allowing God’s people to work as partners.
Love In The Name of Christ Love INC’s Mission statement is to identify needs, screen requests, and make appropriate referrals to address the needs of people in our community. They provide opportunities for church volunteers to minister to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of others in the name of Christ. If you have signed up in the past, please sign up again, so that we may update our files.
Family Promise of Gallatin Valley Shelter and Opportunities for Homeless Families. This is a new “Interfaith Hospitality Network’ of congregations and individuals working to shelter homeless families, and address the issues they face. Volunteers from Holy Rosary could assist Host Congregations in providing meals, companionship, and mentoring. Call Connie Kantner, 587-7550, for more information.